martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

Diary of Carmen


We have already been and my group and I go to make a competition
of questions where we will ask questions on famous and on the
topics of the book, we have already distributed the papers:
Angela will be the bearer, and the other ones will be the contestants,
the competition will have of recompense a boat of 50.000 pond,
and there will be three beat, where two of them will be eliminatory
until some of the contestants are alone and be the winner. We have
already been and we have the scripts and alone we have left to be
and to record I hope we have good note.

Diary of Carmen


I have been speaking to resemblance very good idea making a
competition, we have decided that angela is the bearer and
the other ones will be the contestants. Yesterday afternoon
we are and we begin it is necessary to create the I dialogue
of the program.

Diary of Carmen


I have been speaking to resemblance very good idea making a
competition, we have decided that angela is the bearer and
the other ones will be the contestants. Yesterday afternoon
we are and we begin it is necessary to create the I dialogue
of the program.

Diary of Carmen


Today the professor has gone down to the computers, we have finished
decorating our blog,my group this formed for (Silvia, Angela, Rafa,
Manolo and me) we will be this afternoon for enpezar to repartinos
the tarbajo for that I have thought that envez of making a radio
program would rot, to carry out a concuerso, but I have to comment
it with the other mienbros of my group although I find ami very good
idea, we would be four contestants and a bearer that ami me guataria
that was Angela, but perhaps the other ones don't find good idea, the
concuerso will be focused to the famous ones, there am we will go
asking questions, we have not still put him/her it names we will
already speak to it xao.

Diary of Carmen


English's professor us to errand a work that consists on
carrying out next to your group a recording, interviewing has some
famous character, we will have to give it in March.The professor
besides the recording has to make ourselves a blog, and to write in
him and to publish it as me is making with this text that I am writing.
In the blog we have that add them gacget that we help us to decorate our blog.DEAR DIARY:

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2009